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发布日期:2024-03-22   浏览次数:
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2019.9--2023.6  江苏大学  农业工程(博士)
2016.9--2019.7  河南科技大学  农业工程(硕士)
2012.9--2016.7  河南科技大学  农业电气化与自动化(本科)
2023.8--至今  江苏大学  彩金网  讲师
2024.1--至今  江苏长电科技股份有限公司  博士后
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研 究 方 向


主 要 论 著
微机原理与应用  普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材  参编
1.Yafei Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Mohamed Farag Taha, Tianhua Chen, Ning Yang, Jiarui Zhang, Hanping Mao. Detection Method of Fungal Spores Based on Fingerprint Characteristics of Diffraction–Polarization Images, Journal of Fungi, 2023, 9(12): 1131.
2.Wang Yafei, Mao Hanping, Xu Guilin, Zhang Xiaodong, Zhang Yakun. A Rapid Detection Method for Fungal Spores from Greenhouse Crops Based on CMOS Image Sensors and Diffraction Fingerprint Feature Processing [J]. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(4): 374.
3.Wang Yafei, Mao Hanping, Zhang Xiaodong, Liu Yong, Du Xiaoxu. A Rapid Detection Method for Tomato Gray Mold Spores in Greenhouse Based on Microfluidic Chip Enrichment and Lens-Less Diffraction Image Processing [J]. Foods, 2021, 10(12): 3011.
4.Wang Yafei, Zhang Xiaodong, Yang Ning, Ma Guoxin, Du Xiaoxue, Mao Hanping. Separation-enrichment method for airborne disease spores based on microfluidic chip [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2021, 14(5): 199-205.
5.Wang Yafei, Zhang Xiaodong, Ma Guoxin, Du Xiaoxue, Shaheen Naila, Mao Hanping. Recognition of weeds at asparagus fields using multi-feature fusion and backpropagation neural network [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2021, 14(4): 190-198.
6.Wang Yafei, Ma Guoxin, Du Xiaoxue, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Xu Guilin, Mao Hanping. Effects of Nutrient Solution Irrigation Quantity and Downy Mildew Infection on Growth and Physiological Traits of Greenhouse Cucumber [J]. Agronomy-basel, 2020, 10(12): 1921.
7.Wang Yafei, Du Xiaoxue, Ma Guoxin, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Mao Hanping. Classification Methods for Airborne Disease Spores from Greenhouse Crops Based on Multifeature Fusion [J]. Applied sciences-basel, 2020, 10(21): 7850.
8.Mao Hanping, Wang Yafei, Yang Ning, Liu Yong, Zhang Xiaodong. Effects of nutrient solution irrigation quantity and powdery mildew infection on the growth and physiological parameters of greenhouse cucumbers [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2022, 15(2): 68-74.
9.Zhang Fu, Wang Yafei, Zheng Limin, Ma Tianle, Wang Jiajia. Biomimetic Walking Mechanisms:Kinematic Parameters of Goats Walking on Different Slopes [J]. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2018, 30(24): e4913.
10.Zhang Fu, Wang Yafei, Shuai Teng, Zheng Limin, Wang Jiajia, Chen Zijun. Development of agricultural bionic four-legged robot: investigation of the effect of head movement adjustment on the stability of goats moving on sloping lands [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2019, 12(4): 10-15.
11.张伏, 王亚飞, 马田乐, 王甲甲, 徐锐良, 郭志军. 山羊蹄底部非规则曲面形貌数学模型构建及验证 [J]. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(15):30-36.
12.张伏, 王亚飞, 吕美, 王俊, 许子和, 陈新辉. 仔猪自动精细饲喂系统设计与试验 [J]. 农业机械学报, 2018, 49(07): 39-45.
13.张伏, 王亚飞, 刘红梅, 马田乐, 王俊. 基于LPC2103智能开关控制器的设计与试验 [J]. 中国电力, 2018, 51(11):74-80.
14.Wang Bo, Wang Yafei, Wang Hui, Mao Hanping, Zhou Liming. Research on accurate perception and control system of fertilization amount for corn fertilization planter [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 1074945.
15.Du Xiaoxue, Wang Yafei, Zhang Xiaodong, Ma, Guoxin, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Mao Hanping. A study of plant growth regulators detection based on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and density functional theory [J]. RSC Advances, 2021, 11(46): 28898-28907.
16.Liu Yong, Wang Yafei, Ma Guoxin, Wang Bin, Du Xiaoxue, Shi Qiang, Ni Jiheng, Mao Hanping. Mechanical properties of stem and physiological-biochemical responses of cucumber under different N and K conditions [J]. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 2022, 14(1): 64-74.
17.Zhang Xiaodong, Wang Pei, Wang Yafei, Hu Lian, Luo Xiwen, Mao Hanping, Shen Baoguo. Cucumber powdery mildew detection method based on hyperspectra-terahertz [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:1035731.
18.Zhang Xiaodong, Guo Boxue, Wang Yafei, Hu Lian, Yang Ning, Mao Hanping. Detection of Crop Fungal Spores Using Microfluidic Separation Enrichment and AC Impedance Characteristics [J]. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8(11): 1168.
19.Zhang Xiaodong, Bian Fei, Wang Yafei, Hu Lian, Yang Ning, Mao Hanping. A method for capturing and detecting crop disease spores based on microfluidic chip composite Raman microscope [J]. Foods, 2022, 11(21): 3462.
20.Mao Hanping, Liu Yong, Wang Yafei, Ma Guoxin, Wang Bin, Du Xiaoxue, Shi Qiang, Ni Jiheng. Response of growth, photosynthesis, dry matter partition and roots to combined nitrogen-potassium stress in cucumber [J]. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 2022, 14(4): 45-53.
21.Du Xiaoxue, Zhang Xiaodong, Wang Yafei, Ma Guoxin, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Mao Hanping. Highly sensitive detection of plant growth regulators by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy combined with metamaterials [J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(22): 36535-36545.
22.Pan Xiaoqing, Gao Kan, Yang Ning, Wang Yafei, Zhang Xiaodong, Shao Le, Zhai Pin, Qin Feng, Wang Xinglong, Yang Jie. A Sperm Quality Detection System Based on Microfluidic Chip and Micro-imaging System [J]. Front. Vet. Sci. 2022, 9:916861.
23.杨宁, 张素亮, 王亚飞, 袁寿其, 毛罕平, 张晓东. 基于气载微流控芯片的作物病害孢子流式动态检测方法 [J]. 农业机械学报, 2022, 53(10): 318-325.
24.Zhang Fu, Teng Shuai, Wang Yafei, Guo Zhijun, Wang Jiajia, Xu Ruiliang. Design of bionic goat quadruped robot mechanism and walking gait planning [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2020,
13(5): 32-29.
25.Wang Bin, Ma Guoxin, Liu Yong, Wang Yafei, Du Xiaoxue, Shi Qiang, Mao Hanping. Effects of Different Temperatures on the Antibacterial, Immune and Growth Performance of Crucian Carp Epidermal Mucus [J]. Fishes, 2021, 6(4): 66.
26.Zhang Jing,Pan Chen,Liu Shuhua, Kou Yanjun, Tang Jian, Wang Yafei, Yang Ning, Huang Rubing. Crop disease source location and monitoring system based on diffractive light identification airborne spore sensor network [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, 9(13): 11030-11042.
27.Du Xiaoxue, Mao Hanping, Yan Yuting, Zhang Xiaodong, Wang Yafei, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Yang Xiaoyue, Shi Qiang. Study on the spectral characteristics of plant growth regulators based on the structure difference of terahertz metamaterial sensor [J]. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, 2022, 22(14): 14065-14074.
28.张晓东, 段朝辉, 毛罕平, 高洪燕, 石强, 王亚飞, 沈宝国, 张馨. 利用太赫兹光谱技术构建番茄水分胁迫状态检测模型 [J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(15): 121-128.
29.Wang Bin, Mao Hanping, Zhao Jian, Liu Yong, Wang Yafei, Du Xiaoxue. Designing a Multi-Parameter Method to Assess the Adaptation Period of Crucian Carp under Stress Conditions of the Bionic Robot Fish [J]. Fishes, 2022, 7(4): 198.
30.Zhang Fu, Zheng, Limin, Wang Wei, Wang Yafei, Wang Jiajia. Development of agricultural bionic mechanisms: Investigation of the effects of joint angle and pressure on the stability of goats moving on sloping lands [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2018, 11(3): 35-41.
31.Wang Bin, Mao Hanping, Zhao Jian, Liu Yong, Wang Yafei, Du Xiaoxue. Influences of oxygen and temperature interaction on the antibacterial activity, antioxidant activity, serum biochemical indices, blood indices and growth performance of crucian carp [J]. PeerJ, 2023,10: e14530
32.Mao Hanping, Du Xiaoxue, Yan YuTing, Zhang Xiaodong, Ma Guoxin, Wang Yafei, Liu Yong, Wang Bin, Yang Xiaoyue, Shi Qiang. Highly sensitive detection of daminozide using terahertz metamaterial sensors [J]. International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2022, 15(6): 180-188.
33.Zhang Xiaodong, Duan Chaohui, Wang Yafei, Gao Hongyan, Hu Lian, Wang Xinzhong. Research on Nondestructive Detection Model of Tomato Nitrogen Content Based on Terahertz Spectroscopy [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 13: 1093671.
34.Zhang Yixue, Wang Xinzhong, Wang Yafei, Hu Lian, Wang Pei. Detection of Tomato Water Stress based on Terahertz Spectroscopy [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14: 1095434.
35.Zhang Xiaodong, Song Houjian, Wang Yafei, Mao Hanping. Detection of Rice Fungal Spores Based on Micro- hyperspectral and Microfluidic Techniques [J]. Biosensors, 2023, 13(2): 278.
36.Zhang Xiaodong, Wang Yafei, Zhou Zhankun, Zhang Yixue, Wang Xinzhong. Detection Method for Tomato Leaf Mildew Based on Hyperspectral Fusion Terahertz Technology [J]. Foods, 2023, 12(3): 535.
科 研 项 目
1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32071905):温室作物气传病害孢子偏振-衍射图像检测与病害早期预警方法。在研, 参与
2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(32171895):基于气传孢子纯化芯片协同多光谱衍射图像识别的水稻病害预警方法。在研, 参与
3.江苏省科学技术厅, 产业前瞻技术研发, BE2023017-1, 全碳计量专用器件与装备的量值溯源体系研发。在研, 参与
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目(61771224):基于THz-TDS多维矢量场图的设施作物营养探测机理及方法研究。结题, 参与
5.十三五国家“粮食丰产增效科技创新”重点专项(2017YFD0301106-04):基于黄淮海南部“三化”全周期机具适艺均衡增产配套关键技术与作业模式研究。结题, 参与
6.河南省重点科技攻关项目(162102210202):基于GOOSE的自愈智能配电网馈线自动化终端研发。结题, 参与
7.河南省高等学校青年骨干教师培养计划(2017GGJS062):山羊坡地行走步态分析及运动平衡控制机理研究。结题, 参与
8.江苏大学农业装备学部项目(NZXB20200205):基于“三防”结构设计的病原孢子纯化衍射识别传感器及作物病害智能预警定位系统研发。结题, 参与
9.江苏大学现代农业装备与技术教育部重点实验室开放基金(JNZ201901),基于多传感器的类球形设施 果蔬采摘机器人及其关键技术。结题, 参与
1.一种仿山羊蹄履带花纹结构. 河南省科学技术成果登记证书(9412023Y2676), 2023-10-25.
2.一种仿乌龟回项摆胫耦合翻转机器人. 河南省科学技术成果登记证(9412023Y2677), 2023-10-25.
3.一种能够防止渗灌管断裂的多功能铺管机及其使用方法. 河南省科学技术成果登记证(9412023Y2844), 2023-10-25.
4.一种手持便捷式幼果自动套袋机. 河南省科学技术成果登记证(9412023Y2678), 2023-10-25.
5.一种智能防断裂深松装置及其使用方法. 河南省科学技术成果登记证(9412023Y2679), 2023-10-25.
1.张伏, 付三玲, 张亚坤, 邹猛, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 杨欣, 张锐, 王洪昌, 朱晨辉, 闵俊杰, 田建峰, 庄晓华, 王新月, 张臣, 崔夏华, 邱玉博, 孙昊轩, 颜宝苹, 张方圆, 韩伟东; 李小帅. 仿生橡胶履带, T/CAAMM 312-2023/ T/NJ 1441-2023, 中国农业机械工业协会, 2023-12-25
2.张亚坤, 王立博, 熊瑛, 张伏, 何亚凯, 师翊, 秦龙, 罗斌, 杨青丰, 刁智华, 高睿, 孔庆明, 高原源, 祝清震, 王亚飞, 郑玲. 鲜食甘薯蛋白质含量分级近红外光谱快速检测规程, T/CAAMM 314-2023/ T/NJ 1443-2023, 中国农业机械工业协会, 2023-12-25
1.王亚飞, 毛罕平, 张晓东, 杨宁, 张家瑞, 高洪燕, 王斌, 彭海涛. 基于显微偏振图像特征的温室作物气传病害孢子分类方法.(申请号:2023114058149)
2.王亚飞, 毛罕平, 张晓东, 杨宁, 张家瑞, 高洪燕, 彭海涛, 王亚娜, 王斌, 李铁柱. 一种作物气传病害孢子检测装置与方法.(申请号:2023113999836)
3.王亚飞, 毛罕平, 杨宁, 张晓东, 张家瑞, 高洪燕, 李铁柱. 一种温室作物气传病害预警方法及系统.(申请号:2023118296786)
4.张伏, 王亚飞, 许子和, 陈新辉, 郭儒雅. 果园喷药机器人的自动执行系统及自动执行方法.(专利号:ZL 2017 1 0910181.5)
5.张伏, 王亚飞, 许子和, 陈新辉, 郭儒雅. 果园自动对靶喷药机器人及喷药方法.(专利号:ZL 2017 1 0910183.4)
6.张伏, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 徐锐良, 李京忠, 张国英, 陈志强, 王唯, 赵矿伟. 一种用于羊蹄的压力传感器固定装置.(专利号:ZL 2016 1 1069408.X)
7.张伏, 王亚飞, 陈新辉, 郑莉敏, 马田乐, 陈天华, 陈自均, 徐锐良, 王甲甲, 付三玲. 一种四足机器人.(专利号:ZL 201810184666.5)
8.张伏, 王亚飞, 许述财, 张金换, 黄彬兵. 一种用于儿童安全座椅的固定装置.(专利号:ZL 201711157759.0)
9.张伏, 许子和, 陈新辉, 周宇浩, 叶文帅, 陈自均, 王维振, 胡文露, 王亚飞, 马田乐, 陈天华, 吕美, 王甲甲, 付三玲. 一种牲畜饲养用自动粥化投喂装置. (专利号:ZL 2017 1 1069814.0)
10.张伏, 张朝臣, 滕帅, 王顺青, 付三玲, 郭志军, 王甲甲, 张亚坤, 王亚飞.一种仿山羊蹄履带花纹结构. (专利号:ZL 202210158241.3)
1. 张伏, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 王唯, 马田乐, 刘风景, 郭超, 薛金丹, 邵晴. 一种可自动翻转行走的机器人.(专利号:ZL 2016 2 1290376.1)
2. 张伏, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 徐锐良, 李京忠, 张国英, 陈志强, 王唯, 赵矿伟.一种用于羊蹄的压力传感器固定装置.(专利号:ZL 2016 2 1289109.2)
3. 张伏, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 徐锐良, 李京忠, 张国英, 陈志强, 王唯, 赵矿伟.一种用于羊腿关节处的角度传感器固定装置.(专利号: ZL 2017 2 0112015.6)
4. 张伏, 李京忠, 苑伟, 王俊, 陈俊杰, 邱兆美, 王亚飞, 王甲甲, 徐锐良, 韩建刚, 王凤雨, 徐瑞, 刘惠, 高波, 张国英, 陈志强, 赵矿伟, 王唯, 刘红梅. 一种大功率拖拉机牵引性能测试系统.(专利号: ZL 2017 2 0112006.7)
5.陈自均, 张伏, 王维振, 滕帅, 陈天华, 闫建伟, 王亚飞. 一种环切式核桃破壳装置.(专利号: ZL 2018 2 2179807.2)
6.张伏, 陈自均, 王维振, 郑慧娜, 王亚飞, 马田乐, 陈天华, 鲁超凡,郭逸飞, 贾童帅, 付三玲. 一种仿乌龟回项摆胫耦合翻转机器人.(专利号: ZL 2018 2 0007364.6)
7.张伏, 陈天华, 王亚飞, 马田乐, 陈新辉, 陈自均, 徐锐良, 付三玲, 王甲甲.一种用于载货爬楼的小车.(专利号: ZL 2018 2 0151540.3)
8.张伏, 陈天华, 滕帅, 马田乐, 陈新辉, 王亚飞, 陈自均, 郑莉敏, 徐锐良, 王甲甲, 付三玲. 一种智能防断裂深松装置.(专利号: ZL 2018 2 0995324.7)
9.张伏, 陈天华, 王亚飞, 马田乐, 陈新辉, 陈自均, 徐锐良, 付三玲, 王甲甲. 一种智能精量播种施肥箱.(专利号: ZL 2018 2 0151237.3)
4.International Bionic Innovation Competition 2017. Best Design Award
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