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发布日期:2020-09-17   浏览次数:
姓名  龚辰
性别  男
职务职称  副教授
博导/硕导  硕导
电子信箱  [email protected]
2017.11~2020.05,江苏大学,彩金网 ,助理研究员
2020.06~至今,江苏大学,彩金网 ,副教授
社 会 兼 职
江苏省农业工程学会青年工作委员会第一届委员会常务委员,担任Biosystems Engineering、Pest Management Science等期刊审稿人
主 讲 课 程
研 究 方 向
主 要 论 著
1. Chen Gong; Fujun Chen; Can Kang. Theoretical and experimental studies on the oil-based emulsion spray. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, 1164200.
2. Chen Gong; Fujun Chen; Bingbo Cui; et al. Droplet spatial distribution of oil-based emulsion spray. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, 1183387.
3. Chen Gong; Dongyang Li; Can Kang; Effect of oil-based emulsion on air bubbles in the spray sheet produced through the air-induction nozzle, Pest Management Science, 2022, 78(12):5347-5357 .
4. Chen Gong; Dongyang Li; Can Kang; Visualization of the evolution of bubbles in the spray sheet discharged from the air-induction nozzle, Pest Management Science, 2022, 78: 1850–1860.
5. Chen Gong; Dongyang Li; Can Kang; Yuli Wang; Visualisation of the evolution of perforatio ns in oil-based emulsion sheets formed by flat-fan spray nozzles, Biosystems Engineering, 2021, 207: 68-80.
6. Chen Gong, Can Kang, Weidong Jia, Wanting Yang, Yuli Wang. The effect of spray structure of oil-based emulsion spray on the droplet characteristics. Biosystems engineering, 2020,198, 78-90.
7. Chen Gong, Mingxiong Ou, Weidong Jia. The effect of nozzle configuration on the evolution of jet surface structure. Results in Physics, 2019, (15) 102572.
8. Chen Gong, Minguan Yang, Weidong Jia. Measurement and Investigation on the Jet Interface Structure. Journal of applied fluid mechanics, 2017, 10(6): 1747-1758.
9. Chen Gong, Minguan Yang, Can Kang, Yuli Wang. Experimental study of jet surface structures and the influence of nozzle configuration. Fluid dynamics research, 2016, 48: 045503.
10. Chen Gong, Minguan Yang, Can Kang, Yuli Wang. The acquisition and measurement of surface waves of high-speed liquid jets. Journal of visualization, 2016, 19(2), 211-224.
1. 《高压水射流技术基础及应用》, 机械工业出版社,2016.
科 研 项 目
① 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 51905220,主持;结题
② 中国博士后科学基金第13批特别资助(站中),2020T130259,主持;结题
③ 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 2019M661755,主持;结题
④ 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,BK20231325,主持;在研
⑤ “青年英才培育计划”优秀青年骨干教师,主持;在研 
所 获 专 利
1. Chen Gong, Dongyang Li, Yuli Wang, Bo Gao. Fan-shaped air suction spray nozzle automatically adjusting air suction speed, US17/608,995.
2. 龚辰, 李东阳 , 康灿 , 贾峰 , 陈富军,一种扇形吸气喷头和用来观测气液混合流场的喷雾系统及测试方法,专利号:202210395963.0
3. 龚辰,李东阳,王育立,高波,一种自动调节吸气速度的扇形气吸喷头,发明专利,专利号:202011521849.5
4. 龚辰,杨琬婷,贾卫东,欧鸣雄,高波,王育立,一种电极可自动调节的扇形静电感应雾化喷头,发明专利,专利号:201911250574.3
5. 龚辰,杨敏官,王育立,高波,喷射溶液的防溅射收集装置,发明专利,专利号:201710964086.3
6. 龚辰,王浩宇,一种气液两相二级雾化喷头,发明专利,专利号:201610913406.8
7. 龚辰,杨敏官,闫龙龙,王育立,一种高速液体射流表面速度测量装置和方法,发明专利,专利号:201410845725.0
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