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Recent work for Overseas Postgraduates Students
发布日期:2017-02-08   浏览次数:

Recent work for Overseas Postgraduates Students

1.1 Registration for Current Students
According to regulations from Managements of Overseas Postgraduates of Jiangsu University, students must register in time as soon as they arrive on campus. All registrations onto the new system must be completed before 27th of February, 2017 by themselves. Failure or delay to register without approved reason prior to the period shall be considered as annulling scholarship and it will be totally withdrawn.

1.2 Score reviewing for Current Students
Postgraduate students who need their scores to be reviewed shall deliver Application for Score Reviewing to OEC not later than 27th February, 2017. Also, OEC may invite course teachers (lectures) to confirm the results of their students at OEC before finally students may receive their requested results finally.

1.3 Retaking or Make-up a Course for Current Students
Students who are required to retake or make-up a course of study or program must fill in Application for Retake, Supplementary, Make-up course, and deliver your designated school of study and they will forward them to OEC. Results (marks) of retake or make-up courses will not be awarded to students who did not go through the application procedure for the make-up program.

1.4 Registration for New International Postgraduates Students of 2017
The official date for registration of spring intake is from 22nd to 23rd February, 2017. Instructions for selecting supervisors and courses will be given communicated later.

1.5 The New postgraduates students should start Chinese public courses, and the secretary will conduct the students to finish selecting the courses.

1.6 Academic Degree
For your information, deadline for thesis’ submitting and verification of your study is at the 20th of April for PhD and 4th of May for master students. (Time for the thesis submitting to Graduate School is only Monday afternoon and Thursday morning in Graduate School)

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