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Research Centers
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Introduction——Institute of Agricultural Ecology(生态所)
Date:2014-11-24   View:

Research centers:

Institute of Agricultural Ecology has six research members, which were all with doctor’s degree. Two of them have senior title of professional, three of them have overseas study experience, and one of them is selected as “One Hundred Talents Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences”. Recently, the institute had undertaken six national projects, including key projects of national 863 program, national science and technology support program, the national natural science foundation of China. Fund of these projects was more than five million yuan; The institute had published more than 100 academic papers in the core journals, including 13 SCI papers, 14 EI papers; 4 academic monograph have been published; 11 invention patents have been authorized; Two the second prizes and a the third prize of the ministry and province of the ministry and province were awarded.

At present, based on the agricultural ecology and agricultural engineering, our research fields include efficient utilization of light, temperature, water, fertilizer and biological germplasm resources, agricultural biological environment and agricultural product safety inspection technology, biological environmental adaptability and ecological restoration technology of difficult sites.

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