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Research Achievements
Research achievements——Institute of Agricultural Ecology(生态所)
Date:2018-07-12   View:

Research achievements:


No. Title/Name time Journal name/Projects  Type/Award units Author/Recipient
论文paper 1 Niche dynamics of species in succession process in the Wetland of Yangtze Rivers Lower Reach, China 2015 Plant Ecology and Evolution (SCI) Weiguo Fu (1/4)
2 Suspended sediment in tidal currents: An often neglected pollutant that aggravates mangrove degradation 2014 Marine Pollution Bulletin (SCI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
3 Root-exuded malic acid versus chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in four plant species under different phosphorus levels 2013 Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Yanyou Wu (1/2)
4 Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Gene Encoding Endopolygalacturonases in the Cotton Black Spot Disease Fungus Alternaria macrospora 2013 Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/2)
5 Biosensor Based on Malic Dehydrogenase Immobilized in a CdS-Graphene-Chitosan Nanocomposite for Root-Exuded Malic Acid   Determination 2013 Sensor Letters (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/8)
6 Effect of plant growth regulators on the growth of Orychophragmus violaceus plantlets in vitro 2012 Planta Medica (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/2)
7 Expression of carbonic anhydrase genes under dehydration and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves 2012 Advanced Science Letters (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
8 Effects of different light intensities on anti-oxidative enzyme activity, quality and biomass in lettuce 2012 Horticultural Science(SCI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
9 Effects of different light intensities on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and yield in lettuce 2012 Scientia Horticulturae(SCI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
10 Determination on nitrate use capacity in plants via isotope tracer 2011 Mineralogical Magazine (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/2)
11 Mechanism of the plant community succession process in the Zhenjiang Waterfront Wetland 2011 Plant Ecology(SCI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
12 Does carbonic anhydrase affect the fractionation of stable carbon isotope 2010 Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta (SCI) Yanyou Wu(1/3)
13 Selecting superior variety of Atractylodes lancea through photosynthetic characters and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters 2011 Planta Medica (SCI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
14 Effects of low nutrition on photosynthetic capacity and accumulation of total N and P in three climber plant species 2014 Chinese Journal of GEOCHEMISTRY (EI) Deke Xing (1/2)
15 Effects of Lead on Microbial Communities in Rhizosphere of Brassica chinensis L. and its Physiological Functions 2014 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery   (EI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
16 Sterile measurement on the characteristics of chlorophyll fluorescence in plantlets in vitro preserved under low temperature condition 2013 PIAGENG (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/2)
17 Nitrogen use efficiency of Atractylodes lancea plantlets in vitro under different inorganic nitrogen levels 2012 EESD (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/5)
18 Dynamic detection of transpiration rate and water using efficiency for plantlets 2012 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery   (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/6)
19 Compatibility between Orychophragmus violaceus and the Plant-Growing Concrete 2012 Applied Mechanics and Materials (EI) Yanyou Wu(1/6)
20 Porous medium resistance model and simulation on effect of wave dissipation of mangrove forest 2012 Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural   Engineering (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
21 Application of  plants of adaptability to karst in green building 2011 Applied Mechanics and Materials (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
22 Nondestructive measurement of nitrogen use efficiency of plantlets in vitro 2011 Advanced Materials Research (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
23 Characteristics of Phosphorus Adsorption of Aerated Concrete in Wastewater Treatment. 2011 Advanced Materials Research (EI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
24 Dynamics growth of underground parts in Atractylodes lancea(Thunb.) DC 2011 iCBBE  (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/4)
25 Estimation of aboveground biomass of different mangrove trees based on canopy diameter and tree height 2011 Procedia Environmental Sciences(EI) Weiguo Fu (1/)
26 An electrochemical approach coupled with Sb microelectrode to determine the activities of carbonic anhydrase in the plant leaves 2011 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/5)
27 Impact of estradiol benzoate and progesterone on the activity of carbonic anhydrase of erythrocytes in ducks (Anatis domesticae Caro) 2010 iCBBE (EI) Yanyou Wu (1/3)
专利Projects 1 A method of vegetation construction in sphere Eco-concrete for river bank slope 2013 InventionZL 201010296522.2 Weiguo Fu (1/3)
2 A method to determine the harvest time of Atractylodes lancea 2012 InventionZL201110268807.X. Yanyou Wu (1/8)
3 Method for the determination of plant tissue culture seedlings photosynthetic capacity 2012 InventionZL 201010263654.5 Yanyou Wu (1/7)
4 A method for monitoring dynamic growth of a sterile plant seedling root 2012 InventionZL200710134021.2 Yanyou Wu (1/6)
5 A method of vegetation construction with Phalaris arundinacea as dominant species for eco-intercept ditchs. 2012 InventionZL201010296524.1 Weiguo Fu (1/3)
6 A off-season cultivation method of potato with substrate in plastic bag 2012 InventionZL201010296525.6 Weiguo Fu (1/3)
7 A method of cucumber cultivation with vinegar residue in balcony 2012 InventionZL201010296538.3 Weiguo Fu (1/3)
8 A method for the determination of available phosphorus in soil based on image analysis 2011 InventionZL2008100239021.1 Yanyou Wu (1/5)
9 A method for Predicting atractylodes lancea growth with a four parameter logistic equation 2011 InventionZL 200910034794.2 Yanyou Wu (1/6)
10 A method of estimation of above-ground biomass of Aegiceras corniculatum 2011 InventionZL 201110144371.3 Weiguo Fu (1/3)
11 A method of determining reasonable light dose for facilities vegetables 2011 InventionZL200910034793.8 Yanyou Wu (1/4)
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