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Key Laboratory
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The open fund of key laboratory
Key Laboratory of High Technology Research and Intelligent Agricultural Equipment, Jiangsu Province
Date:2014-12-17   View:


The high-tech key laboratory of “Agricultural Equipment & Intellectualization” at Jiangsu University approved by Jiangsu Committee of Science and Technology, was established in 2009. The lab was constructed by Jiangsu University, Jiangsu World Agricultural Machinery Limited Company and Changzhou    Dongfeng Agricultural Machinery Group Limited Company. Its total area is around 8000 m2, and the total value of instruments and equipment is around 45 million yuan. There are three research and development platforms: the platform of digital design and development of agricultural equipment, the platform of agricultural equipment monitoring and control and the platform of modern agricultural equipment performance testing. The laboratory is devoted to basic and application researches on agricultural equipment and intelligent technology to improve the level of agricultural equipment in the area. The major research fields including: (1) Digital design and development of agricultural equipment, (2) Monitoring and control technique of agricultural equipment (3) Detection Technique of modern agriculture equipment.

There are 85 research specialist staffs, which include 57 people having intermediate and senior titles.  Among these, 2 are in the category of the National Thousand Talents Program, 2 in the National Special Branch Plan Leading Talent Project, 2 Chief-scientist in the Jiangsu Provincial “333 High-ranking Personnel Training Project” of the first level, 6 in the Jiangsu Provincial “333 High-ranking Personnel Training Project” of the second level, 5 in the Jiangsu Provincial “333 High-ranking Personnel Training Project” of the third level, 2 haven obtained the HLHL prize, 2 in the national candidate of the New Centaury National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project, 1 in the Education Ministry’s New Century Excellent Talents Plan, 2 in Jiangsu Province academic leaders of the Blue Project and  2 people in Jiangsu Province trained talent Blue Project.  

The key laboratory has undertaken over 100 scientific and research projects in various kinds, including 47 items of national project: National 863 Key-point Projects, National Science and Technology Support Program and the Key project of National Natural Science Fund with amount of 0.115 billion yuan. The laboratory has undertaken 37 provincial-level projects with amounting to 0.1 billion yuan. We obtained 1 term for the second prize of National Technological Invention Award and5 terms for the Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award. The digital virtual design of agricultural equipment, agricultural basic information and crop water/ fertilizer and pest real-time information collection, automatic navigation, smart regulation of the working process of agricultural equipment are some of the research work which have been completed successfully. We have also achieved success in projects such as the 200-horsepower tractor power shift transmission, combined harvest machine load monitoring and intelligent control, automatic continuous take seeding, pesticide spraying and many other variables efficient core and key technologies, which are important contributions in terms of  technical support and industry standards We have developed large horsepower tractors, precision planting transplanting equipment, water saving irrigation equipment, efficient variable spraying equipment, agricultural performance testing equipment and other agricultural equipment facilities. Some of these products have reached the international advanced recognition level.

Comprehensive strength and social influence of the laboratory has improved significantly. Research and innovation ability, community service and capability of innovation personnel training are enhanced significantly. In the field of agricultural equipment, the laboratory has become a center for research and technology, with specialization in technical training for senior personnel, local and international academic exchanges, making it a major force to lead the development direction of agricultural equipment in China.

The research direction:

Taking agricultural production combines, tractors and medium-sized agricultural equipment and intelligent technology research as the main line, we plan to focus on carrying out basic and applied research of key technologies, to promote agricultural equipment automation and intelligence level and to enhance the level of agricultural equipment in the region and the country. The main research directions are as follows:

(1) Agricultural Equipment digital design and development techniques

The main research:

1) Agricultural Equipment key component of digital design and dynamic simulation technology research;

2) Combine harvester digital design techniques;

3) Tractor digital design techniques.

(2) Agricultural Equipment Monitoring and Control Technology

The main research:

1) Agricultural Equipment work process monitoring and control technology;

2) Agricultural equipment fault diagnosis technology;

3) Intelligent monitoring devices and instrument development.

(3) Modern Agricultural Equipment Performance Testing Technology

The main research:

1) Research on the reliability of technical of combine harvester;

2) Research on technology for testing tractor’s key components performance.

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