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Jiangsu University Holds National Agricultural Mechanization Technology Innovation Strategy Meeting
Date:2013-11-01   View:

On April 10, 2013, the National Agricultural Mechanization Technology Innovation Strategy meeting under the sponsorship of the Department of Agriculture Agricultural Mechanization Management Division which brought together a group of experts was held in our school.

In attendance were Mr. Liu Hengxin , the Deputy director of The Ministry of Agricultural Mechanization Management Division, Mr Luo Xiwen of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, as well as other Agricultural Mechanization experts. Mr. Yuan Shouqi , the President of our University attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Roundtable discussions centered on the establishment of programs on tillage practices and the plan of action for the rest of 2013.

Mr. Liu Hengxin , commended the efforts of members of the group and was optimistic that they will continue with the good job in ensuring that technological challenges confronting agriculture in the country iare addressed with special focus on agricultural mechanization.

Eleven (11) professional groups were put together . Researcher Yi Zhongyi was chosen to lead the team of technical system, and professor Mao Hanping leads the group in charge of facilities for agricultural engineering.

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