Dr. Yongguang Hu’sVisitto California
February 8-14, 2015, Dr. Yongguang Hu from Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering was invited to visit University of California, Davis, Fresno Pacific University and attended the 48thWorld Ag EXPO.
At UC Davis, Dr. Hu talked with Dr. Richard Snyder, Head of Biometeorology Program, on the control of frost protectionwith wind machines.Dr. Hu had a discussion with Dr. AliasgharMontazar and agreed on the future cooperation and exchange on irrigation science and technology.Dr. AliasgharMontazar accepted Dr. Hu’s invitation to visit Jiangsu University.

Talk and discussion with Dr. Richard Snyder and Dr. AliasgharMontazar
At the EXPO Dr. Hu visited several booths of agricultural machinery and made technical exchange with 5 companies of frost protection wind machines.

Exhibited products for frost protection
Dr. Hu visited Fresno Pacific University and had a short talk with the President, and took a field trip to the local orchards equipped with frost protection wind machines.

Short talk with President of FPUField visit on frost protection wind machines
(from Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering, Mar.23, 2015)