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Dr. Michael Fuller visited SAEE
Date:2015-07-20   View:

Dr. Michael Fuller visited SAEE

On July 13, 2015, Dr. Michael Fuller, professor of University of Plymouth, UK was invited by Dr. Hu Yongguang to visit School of Agricultural Equipment Engineering, Jiangsu Universityfor academic exchange.. Dr. Li Zhongxing, director of the International Office of Jiangsu University, met with the guest. A workshop on scientific research and graduate education was held, and Dr. Huang Wenyue, faculties and graduates from the institutes of Facility Agriculture Engineering, Agro-ecology and Tractors and energy engineering attended the workshop. Dr. Wang Changda, vice dean of the Graduate School, exchanged views on graduate education with Dr. Michael Fuller.

Dr. Hu Yongugang first introduce basic information on Jiangsu University and SAEE, and then Dr. Michael Fuller made a brief introduction to University of Plymouth, management of graduate education and his research interest on plant stress physiology(frost tolerance of plant and the development of an artificial frost chamber). Dr. Michael Fuller answered several questions of academic degrees and plant physiology, and gave some suggestions and advice to our graduates on their research.Dr. Michael Fullervisited the laboratories at SAEE and toured Jiangsu University campus.

Dr. Michael Fuller is now Head of the Graduate School, University of Plymouth and Chair of UK Council for Graduate Education. He is member of Society for Experimental Biology, International Society for Horticultural Science and Editorial Board of European Journal of Agronomy. His research focuses on Plant Stress Physiology, Plant Biotechnology, Crop Physiology and Agronomy. Dr. Michael Fuller has published 10 books, 131 academic papers, and finished 46 reports. He is also an expert on management of graduate education.

(By Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering, July 16, 2015)

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