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Dr. Fulai Liu visited SAEE
Date:2015-10-08   View:

On September 23, 2015, Dr. Fulai Liu, associate professor of University of Copenhagen, Denmark, was invited by Dr. Zhiyu Zuo to visit School of Agricultural Equipment Engineering (SAEE), Jiangsu University for academic exchange.

In the 101 auditorium of SAEE, Dr. Liu made the academic report entitled “Alternate Partial Root-zone Irrigation - New Progress and Perspectives”. The report was chaired by Professor Hanping Mao, the dean of SAEE. Most of teachers and postgraduates of SAEE attended the symposium.

Dr. Liu received his Ph.D. from Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Denmark in 2004, M.Sc. from University of Hannover, Germany in 2000, and B.Sc. from Beijing Agricultural University, China in 1992. He is now an associate professor (tenured) in the Section for Crop Sciences, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the Denmark leading official of technology and education center between China and Denmark in water and environmental topic. He is a member of editorial board for Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science and a reviewer for more than 20 SCI journals. His research focuses on researching on physiological and biochemical mechanisms of crop plants response to adverse environmental conditions, identifying the key processes occurring at different organization levels and time scales, and the controlling factors of the processes, and modifying/manipulating those factors via management practices (irrigation, fertilization, tillage) and modeling tools to optimize water use efficiency in crop production. Dr. Liu has published 95 peer reviewed SCI papers, 1600 citations .

(By Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering)

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