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Professors and Students of IFAE Visiting US
Date:2016-12-30   View:

Professors and Students of IFAE Visiting US

Prof. Hu Yongguang, Prof. Liu Jizhan and PhD student Lu Yongzong visited University of California(Davis), the Ohio State University and USDA from 13rdto 18th, December, 2016. We met with Prof. Pan Zhongli, Dr. Aliasghar Montazar, Prof. Yu Zengshou, Prof. Zhang Minghua, Prof. Peter Ling and Prof. Zhu Heping, and made academic exchange with them and took a field trip to some labs, farms and greenhouses.。

At UC Davis Prof. Pan Zhongli introduced its disciplinary of Agricultural Engineering, and discussed mutual cooperation in the field. Dr. AliasgharMontazartook us to the affiliated farm and visited the sub drip irrigation system, CIMIS weather station and a weighing lysimeter. We invited Prof. Pan and Dr. Montazar to visit Jiangsu University in 2017.

Academic exchange and visit to UC Davis

Then we went to the Ohio State University and the Institute of Agricultural Engineering Application Technology, USDA. Prof. Ling showed us their newly-built lab and a large greenhouse under construction. Also we met Prof. Zhu Heping and exchanged ideas with him.

Visiting OSU, a greenhouse and USDA

Staying with Prof. Zhu Heping, one of our outstanding alumni

We fully understood the frontier and pattern of agricultural engineering R&D in US and the process of greenhouse production through the visit, which should be beneficial to our undergoing project. Closer collaboration relationship between us has been promoted.

We returned to China on schedule on 18thDecember and finished the visit task.

(by Yongguang Hu, Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering)

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