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Dr. Josef Tanny visited SAEE
Date:2017-10-26   View:

Dr. Josef Tanny visited SAEE

From 16th-21stOctober, 2017, Dr. Josef Tanny, senior researcher at Agricultural Research Organization (ARO) Volcani Center, Israel was invited by Prof. Hu Yongguang to visit the school of Agricultural Equipment Engineering (SAEE) for academic exchange.

8 Lectures on scientific research and graduate education was held for two days on 17thand 18th. Prof. Hu Yongguang hosted the session by giving a brief introduction about Jiangsu University and SAEE. The School Deputy Dean Prof. Wei Xinhua gave a welcome speech. Dr. Josef Tanny start the session with brief introduction about Agriculture Research Organization (ARO) and then delivered very informative lectures on Basic elements of thermodynamics, P-M equation, ET and Bowen Ratio, Wind and turbulence and also about Eddy Covariance and Surface Renewal. The audiences of this workshop were some faculty members, postgraduates and undergraduates. Dr. Josef answered many questions of graduate students and also conducted personal session about their research work to address the problems they were facing. Then Dr. Hu Yongguang led him to have a short visit of the campus, labs and a greenhouse.

On 19thProf. Liu Jizhan hosted a workshop on greenhouse engineering and technology, and faculty members from Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering discussed with Dr. Josef Tanny some hot topics in greenhouse structure, environment control and informatics. Dr. Josef visited some greenhouses at Suzhou.

On 20thDr. Hu Yongguang conducted a visit for him to tea field in Danyang and to Tea Expo Park in Jurong. During this visit they also took keen interest in having collaboration in future about joint research. It was a commendable experience to explore new insight of strategies which will be definitely helpful to tackle the problems regarding research.

Dr. Josef is a well-known researcher having research interest in Agricultural Meteorology, Crop water consumption, screenhouse and greenhouses. Dr. Josef has published more than 60 peer reviewed articles and was awarded highly cited research by Biosystems Engineering in December 2016.

(by Institute of Facility Agriculture Engineering)

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