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IAE Hosted the 2013 Conference of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering
Date:2018-07-12   View:

The 2013 biennial conference of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering(CSAE) was held in Jiangsu University from the 19thto 20thAugust, 2013. The focus of the meeting was on sustainable agriculture and how the agricultural engineering professionals can help address issues confronting China and the world at large in the area of agricultural productivity.

In attendance was the executive director of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Mr. Darrin Drollinger as well as the president of the Canadian Society of Bioengineering (CSBE), Prof. Qiang Zhang. The two day program was attended by over five hundred participants from China, USA, Canada, Pakistan and Ghana.

In a welcome address, the President of Jiangsu University, Prof. Yuan Shouqi reiterated the fact that the focus of the conference is of prime importance to the developmental agenda of China and other developing countries of the world. The president of CSAE, Ming Zhu also gave his address at the opening session of the program.

On the 20thof August, there were parallel sessions of presentations by various academic and technical researchers. Some of the sessions were in Chinese while an opportunity was also given to English speakers to hold an English session. Topics discussed included; ‘The role of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering in Sustainable Development’, Reducing Post-harvest losses: A critical Factor in Food Security and Sustainability’ etc.The closing session was held around 6:30 pm on the same day at the conference center and the Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Jiangsu University was honored with a citation for successfully organizing the conference. The prize was proudly received by the Dean of the Institute, Prof. Mao Hanping. It was then announced that the 2015 CSAE conference would be held in North-East Agriculture University. The conference successfully came to an end at approximately 7:30pm.

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