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To Use Zhenjiang City’s Public Bikes
Date:2014-09-04   View:

Zhenjiang City’s Public Bikes are available for OEC students to use now.

How to Obtain the Rent Card

To obtain the rent card you have to do the following:

1. Show your passport

2. Show your Campus Card

3. Deposit amount: 50 yuan

4. Initial charge amount: 20 yuan

5. One person one card only.

6. To get the refund (deposit and remaining balance) you must go to the Zhenjiang Public Bikes Administration Centre to return the rent card.

7. To obtain the cardon campus, please go to the subsidiary office of Security Department, i.e. the office at the new gate of Jiangsu University, during 8:30-11:30am or 14:00-17:30pm on week days of every September. To return the cardon campus, please go to the same office in every June. Office telephone number: 88792800.

8. To obtain or return the rent card at any other time, please go to Zhenjiang Public Bikes Administration Centre, i.e. No.1 Bao Ta Bei Lu (镇江市公共自行车管理中心:宝塔北路1号). Hotline: 4000905755.

Use and Return the Bike


1. Swipe the card on the lock on the bike.

2. When the bike says “请取车”(“Please take the bike.”), then take the bike out of the rack stand within 20 seconds.

3. You must remember the 4-digit password the bikes tells you to lock the bike.


1. Slide the bike into the rack stand.

2. Return the bike according to the voice message.

3. You will hear “还车成功请取卡”(”Your bike is successfully returned, please take your card.”) when everything is successfully done.

4. Hotline: 4000905755

Charging Standard:

1. No limit on borrow times per day.

2. Free of charge within 1 hour.

3. 1 yuan/hour will be charged if you use longer than 1 hour for 1 time. Less than 1 hour’s overuse will be charged as 1 hour’s use.

Overseas Education College

Security Department

JU Division of Zhenjiang Public Bikes Administration Centre

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