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The 4th Sino-foreign Post-graduate Academic Forum of Jiangsu University
Date:2014-09-26   View:

All Overseas Post-Graduates,

The 4th Sino-foreign Post-Graduates Academic Forum is to be held at the Conference Center at the end of October, aiming to promote academic and cultural exchange among domestic and foreign students, broaden the international perspective, create a multicultural atmosphere, construct a harmonious campus life, and enhance international communicative ability. All of you are cordially welcomed.

⒈ Time and Location

Time: Nov. 17, 2014 to Nov.31, 2014; Location: Conference Center


Host units: Graduate School, Division of Student Affairs and OEC

Organizers: the related schools and institutions

⒊Theme, Forms and Language

Theme: Open, Innovation, Integration ---boost the constructing of Research University

Forms: Theme academic forums (both oral and poster presentation), academic discussion, excellent presentation competition, talent show.

Language: English


⑴ Academic Forums: Opening ceremony &

Engineering Forums (Ⅰ,Ⅱ) on Nov. 17

Medicine & Biological Science Forum on Nov. 18

Management & Finance Forum on Nov. 19

Cultural exchange forum on Nov. 20

⑵ Talent Show: graduate talent show and awards ceremony on Nov .21

The forums are to simulate international academic conference for graduate students to share research ideas, research progress, scientific achievement, international cultural perspective and multicultural comparisons. Professors are invited to give keynote speech and make comments on presentation.

⒌Abstract submission

⑴ Abstracts on Engineering, Medicine && Biological Science, Management & Finance is to be collected and examined by the secretary of Postgraduate Education in schools, then hard copy should be submitted to Graduate School and electronic version should be submitted to [email protected]

⑶ Abstracts on Chinese culture, culture of overseas students’ countries and cross-cultural communication is to be collected and examined by the secretary of Student Affairs in schools, then hard copy should be submitted to Department of Students Affairs and electronic version should be sent to [email protected]

⑶500 words in English are enough for abstract and the oral presentation is to be limited within 15 minutes. Submissions Deadline is Nov. 3rd, 2014

6. Talent show: Faculty Recreation Center

Forms of Talent Show include: song, dance, folk art, calligraphy, instrumental music etc. Talent Show Application deadline is Oct. 12th, 2014. Applications go to the secretary of Student Affairs for correspondingly school.

Consultant and Coordinator: Dr. CUI of OEC (Room 212 in Graduate School Building). Office telephone: 0511-88792216/ 0511-88786159

Undergraduates are warmly welcomed.

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