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Application Procedures of PhD Degree
Date:2017-05-19   View:


(Application Procedures of PhD Degree)

一、论文送审前的准备工作(Preparation before dissertation submission)

1.完成各培养环节和学位论文的撰写工作,并经导师审核同意送审;(Complete all procedures of education, dissertation writing, need to be checked by supervisor and then can be submitted)

2.发表学术论文符合“江苏大学关于研究生在学期间发表学术论文的规定”;(Publish the paper which meet the requirement of the policy for the published paper to appliy for the degree)

3.登录“研究生管理信息系统”,录入“学历学位电子注册”信息,并打印签字确认。(Log in the system of graduate management information, type in the information of administration of degree,and print ,signature confirmation)

4.缴清培养费(仅部分需缴纳培养费的申请人)。(Clear all the fees)

二、论文送审申请(Application for dissertation submission)

申请人向研究生院学位办提交(Applicants should submit documents to Graduate School):

1.符合“盲审”格式要求的学位论文电子版(PDF格式,学号+姓名命名);(Electronic version of the dissertation which conform to the anonymous review pattern )(PDF,file name should be named after “student ID+name”)

2.“研究生学位论文信息表”电子版(学号+姓名命名);(Electronic version of degree dissertation information table)(file name: student ID+name)

3.发表学术论文原件及复印件各1份;(Script and one copy for the academic dissertaton)

4.本人签名的“学历学位电子注册信息表”1份;(Electronic degree registration table should be printed out with personal signature)

5.经导师、学院和研究生院培养办签批意见的“博士研究生学位论文送审报批表”1份。(One copy of the application form for submitting thisis should be printed out with the signature of supervisor, vice dean of faculty and education offic in Graduate School)

三、论文送审 Submitting by the Graduate School and Check the Result

博士学位论文“盲审”评阅意见共4份,登录“研究生院”网页查询。(Log in Graduate School website and check the 4 copies of the updated annonymous review comments of the dissertation,)

四、论文答辩 Defence:


The candidates should carry the following documents to the Degree office to apply for the defence after the candidate get the 4 result:

1.填好内容的“学位申请书”(纸质版2份,电子版1份);Application form which has been filled in (2 hard copy ,1 electronic version)

2.学院签批意见的“博士学位论文答辩委员会成员审批表”(纸质版、电子版各1份);Application form for defence committee with the signature of the vice dean of faculty (1 hard copy, 1 electronic version)

3.答辩委员会表决票(纸质版,份数根据答辩委员会成员人数确定);Vote papers in hard copy,number is depend on the makeup of the committee.

4.“博士学位申请人员基本情况汇总表”(纸质版、电子版各1份);Summary Information of the Ph.D candidate (1 hard copy , 1 electronic version)

5.答辩海报电子版(范本格式见网上)。Poster of the Defence in electronic version(Check the template on website)

(二)答辩手续办好后到学院领取答辩材料:1、答辩记录纸;2、答辩费收据;3、答辩海报三张。After the above ,then go to faculty to fetch the defence materials such as defence notice paper,vacant receipt of the defence and 3 poster of the defenc in hard copy

五、存档(必须答辩后尽快办理)Archive (Complete after defence as soon as possible)

1.归档材料交给学院教务秘书(内容详见归档清单);All the archive materials have to be submitted to the secretary of teaching affairs of faculty

2.博士学位论文(学生、导师签字,不保密)纸质版3份、电子版1份交学位办。3 hard copies of the thesis with the signature of the supervisor and the candidates themselves ,1 electronic version of the thesis have to be submitted to Degree Office . One copy to OEC .



毕业证书(Graduation Certificate)——校学位委员会召开后的第三、第四个工作日;(The third or the fourth working day after the university committee conference)

学位证书(degree certificate)——校学位委员会召开之日起三个月公示期满后的第一、第二个工作日(见网上公示)。(three months after the school committee meeting)


Graduate certificate :海外教育学院OEC

Degree certificate研究生院(Degree office of Graduate school)

要求(Requirements):详见《毕业研究生学历、学位证书领发注意事项》。(Read the Notice of the fetching graduation and degree certificate on the Graduate School website)

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