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Notice on the Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship Review for the 2017-2018 Academic Year
Date:2017-11-10   View:

To the relevant Postgraduate Students,

The Presidential Scholarship review for the 2017-2018 academic year of Jiangsu University has begun. All the Postgraduate Students with presidential scholarship are mandated to be engaged in the review. Details are as Follow:

I. Requirements

1. Current registered master and PhD candidates enrolled in autumn 2015 and autumn 2016.

2. Compliance with the laws and regulations of Chinese Government and the regulations and disciplines of Jiangsu University without any disciplinary punishment (within a year).

3. High degree of study motivation, excellent academic record and scientific achievements.

4. Academic achievements:

(1) First author or second author (supervisor as first author) of papers published in Chinese or International core Journals in the name of Jiangsu University.

(2) Presenter or keynote speaker at a local or international major academic conference.

5. Highly active participants of the public service and social practice activities organized by Jiangsu University and colleges.

6. Post graduates who accomplish lab hours or research hours as directed by the supervisors and should be recommended by supervisor.

II. Scholarship Amount

Master students: CNY 15,000/person for students admitted before September, 2016 and CNY 20,000/person for students admitted after September 2016.

PhD students:equivalence to the tuition fee of current academic year.

Note: The presidential scholarship automatically deducted as tuition fee.

III. Attachments

1. Form for Annual Review of Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship Status (please refer to the attachment).

2. Personal summary consists of study experience, life and activity participation in Jiangsu University.

3. Evidences for the published academic papers and presentations at major academic conference.


1. Postgraduate students shall submit the review applications through class teacher beforeOctober 27, 2017.

2. Awards list will be worked out by Overseas Education College and submitted to the Review Committee of Jiangsu University Overseas Student Scholarship beforeNovember 7, 2017.

3. Publicity of the appraisal results will be finished beforeNovember 14, 2017.Any further inquiry, please contact the Overseas Education College Students’ Affair Office.

V. Attention

1. Postgraduates who fail to submit the review application and attachments within stipulated time are not entitled to Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship.

2. Candidates who fail the appraisal are not entitled to Jiangsu University Presidential Scholarship.

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